Summer Schedule: 10.30-19.00 | Last entry at 17.30 | The ticket office closes at 17.30

Summer Schedule: 10.30-19.00 | Last entry at 17.30 | The ticket office closes at 17.30

June 4 and 5 2022 / June 16, 23 and 29 2022 -

I Giardini di Giugno 2022

Conversations about greenery

Again this year, Labirinto della Masone hosts I Giardini di Giugno, a series of events dedicated to the world of plants, gardens and landscaping: on five occasions, visitors can  meet with experts and scientists to consider original themes linked to the world of botany, with a special focus on the environment and climate change, subjects that are become more current every day.

The presentations begin on Saturday June 4th and Sunday June 5th with Incontriamoci in giardino,  an initiative sponsored by APGI (Associazione Parchi e Giardini Italiani) with the support of the Ministry of Culture that also takes place in more than 20 European countries.

A real “garden party” will be organized over two days: a celebration with installations and talks on the theme of Italian gardens. The first event takes place on Saturday June 4th, in the Pyramid, with a presentation entitled Climate Change and Human Health: Green’s Leading Role.

Francesco Mati, a nursery expert from Pistoia, will speak with Giovanni Fracasso, Head of the Delegation at FAI Parma, about the consequences of climate change and nature’s role. It will be a behind the scenes look at a garden over a period of thirty years, from the point of view of a company founded more than a hundred years ago.

On Sunday June 5th at 11 a.m., again in the Pyramid, Andrea Mati, a nursery expert from Pistoia, will present his book Salvarsi con il verde. La rivoluzione del metro quadro vegetale and will speak with journalist Marta Santacatterina about the health and medical benefits of plants and their soothing qualities.

To coincide with these events, Labirinto della Masone will host a green installation in the Central Court curated by garden designer Gianmatteo Malchiodi, with nursery expert Piergiorgio Minari and the Nursery Mati 1909, entitled Le geometrie del paesaggio della Pianura Padana until Tuesday June 10th.

On Thursday June 9th (APPOINTMENT POSTPONED TO 29 June) at 6 p.m. in the Bodoni Room, the event Il Giardino Mediterraneo will take place with Giuseppe Barbera, a former Professor of Arboriculture at the University of Palermo who works with FAI

as superintendent for the restoration of the Gardens of Kolymbethra in the Valley of the Temples and Donnafugata in Pantelleria. This talk will describe the incredible diversity of scents, colours, sounds, and emotion that enrich Mediterranean nature, suggesting solutions to the negative impact that increasingly characterizes the relationship between man and nature.

On Thurdsay June 16th at 6 p.m. in the Calvino Room, Monica Botta, a landscape architect with Healing Gardens and garden therapy expert, will delve into the subject of the environment. Her talk Il verde terapeutico will  focus on the benefits of the environment for people, and on topics linked to social issues, architecture, and landscape.

On Thursday June 23rd at 6 p.m., in the Bodoni Room, landscape architect Anja Werner will discuss the process of designing a bio-pool, from water phytoremediation, to material selection, to positioning it in the garden.

I Giardini di Giugno is curated by Angela Zaffignani with support from FAI, I Maestri del Paesaggio, GGI, APGI, Ordine degli Architetti di Parma, AIAPP, the City of Fontanellato and Libreria della Natura.